HelpMeFind Membership Features
Anonymous Site Guest
You are welcome to remain anonymous using HelpMeFind.
We understand many of you are reluctant to share contact information with most any public website as it often leads to unwanted marketing and activity tracking.
That is not the case here but we are happy to earn your trust.
Meanwhile, please understand remaining anonymous does negate many of our best features simply because they involve a need for HMF to know it's you returning and allowing you access to your private and public features on HelpMeFind.
For example, if you want to share your photos with us we need to be able to email you if there is a question about one of them from us or another member. |
Registered Member
Basic membership is free and opens up many features not available to anonymous site guests.
In addition, registering is about joining the HMF community and participating in making HelpMeFind better for everyone.
Membership gives you the opportunity to share your insight and experience by taking the time to tell us about your garden and your gardening activities, upload photos, post reviews or comments, rate the plants you grow or are knowledgeable about and much more.
Registering does not mean giving up your privacy; the optional, personal information (e.g. contact information) you provide when registering is NOT shared with anyone and your HMF nickname can be whatever you like! |
Premium Member 
In addition to all the features of a Standard Membership, Premium membership both demonstrates your support of HelpMeFind and unleashes our most powerful and sophisticated features along with several convenience enhancements to make managing your membership account and your personal garden easier and more enjoyable.
CLICK HERE to learn more about supporting HMF by becoming a premium membership member.
Premium membership works out to just two dollars a month. Your $24 membership fee pays for an entire rolling year.
You'll recognise other premium-membership members by the red star next to their HMF nickname. |